The Proof Society FAQs
Login to your storefront, and click the + button to start adding products. You can also quick add while shopping through the website if you are logged into your storefront.
Drop in the URL of the product from the Living Proof website. You can also add products to your storefront while browsing the site using the creator widget. You must be logged into your storefront to access this feature.
As often as you'd like. You can view a quick video tutorial on how to create collections and add products to your storefront here.
Products are in order of how they are favorited. You can remove products from your collection.
Click 'Add' and then click 'Collection'
Click 'Edit Collection', and then click 'Delete'
Click the collection, and then click the share icon to share out your collection. You should be linking this in your posts to make it easy for your followers to shop through.
Click 'Edit Bio'
You can edit your profile picture by clicking the camera icon next to your profile image. You can add a picture either from tagged social posts or from your camera roll. You must be logged into your storefront in order to change your profile picture.
No. The more sales you refer, the more you get paid.
You will receive an email from Tremendous ( clearly stating that the funds are Living Proof commissions or rewards earned from completing challenges. You then can follow the prompt to collect your funds via bank account or other redemption method.
Please contact
Enter the discount code at checkout.
It works on almost all products. There are certain exclusions that apply (ex: products already on sale, pre-discounted kits, etc).
The FTC requires that anyone who endorses a product or brand and receives compensation to do so must disclose that they have a material connection to the product/brand. Compensation includes not only commissions and cash payments but also free products, gift cards, special access, and special discounts. The FTC's rules and guidelines are located here and here, and include information on where to place the disclosure and what to say. Note that using platform-provided disclosure tools has been deemed by the FTC to be insufficient, and there are rules about how to disclose in audio and in images/video. In addition, Living Proof provides its own guidelines which supplement but may not entirely reflect the FTC's requirements. Living Proof guidelines are located in Exhibit A of the Program Terms here. You are required to comply with these FTC guidelines and our Influencer Guidelines. We recommend using @livingproofinc and #livingproofpartner in your content at a minimum.